
15 these on the state of the union

click the title for 15 theses about the state and future of the church.

its an interesting read, and is one that deserves discussion, and most importantly action. i'm growing increasingly tired of the new ways to do church. i feel very strongly that we should be more concerned about being the church. my heart jumps reading this. i am tired of how much emphasis is placed on an hour and a half production. not only emphasis, buy resources as well. this is not a knock on those who create those service packages, but on the idea that this somehow constitutes as church.

i know, i know, no one would actually say that they believe church only happens on sunday morning. i know the company line. its how you live every other day of the week that counts. but why are so many resources being put into said service? if the real goal of teaching others about Jesus is to show them "The Way" to live and the subsequently help them live in that way, the decision is the easy part. its the rest that is messy. its the rest of the redemption story that we want to leave up to small groups.

if i come off with a chip on my shoulder, its true. i believe that the Jesus Christ is the hope of the world, and as the church we are called to represent and give that hope. i hold us to a high standard, one that i know i don't come close to. but i'm striving. i believe we need to strive. i'm an optimist who can be an ass. i don't deny it.

its an odd combination i know. its where i'm at. these things have to be called out when i believe that they forget that we need to keep the main thing, the main thing.

in John 13:34-35, Jesus says the following. this is the marcelliott version.

"Love each other until it kills you. Don't give up, even in the face of anger and evil. by this, all men will know whose you really are. they will know that you have learned from me. remember what i did."

if we as the church made this our goal, i think we'd be ok.

love each other. look at Christ. peace.

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