
what we hide

we all hide things. its our nature as humans. we don't want the ugliness to be exposed. it doesn't matter what you believe, who you believe in or how strong you believe it. we all have something to hide.

its not fun to think about and its definitely not fun to do anything about it. confronting it is not something to look forward to, nor confessing it. we all have something that we don't want anyone else to know about. it could embarrass us, destroy us, destroy others or all of the above. secrets don't play favorites, but they always play games.

i am coming to grips with my own faults and failures. its not easy. never really is. but if i am going to continue to grow as person - as a man of God - this confrontation is necessary.

this is the grotesqueness that is sin. it is sneaks in, gradually builds up, gets you while your defenses are down, and then festers. whatever it is - it festers. it doesn't have to be something that you actually do, it could just be in your mind. but it grows until its out of control, and then you don't know exactly how it happened, but its this big monster and you don't want anyone to know about it because they'd certainly look down on you for having such a dark secret.

so we hide it more.(i realize that i continue to change perspectives as i write. such is blogging.) its not easy, but we make excuses. we do whatever we have to do so that no one will ever find out.

but then someone asks tough questions. questions that can't be skirted around, and all of a sudden we're face to face with the beast we dred the most. so finally, and almost unwillingly, we confess.

and a weight that we had been dragging around by our necks is suddenly lightened a bit. so we talk about it a bit more, and it becomes a bit lighter. and if there is someone that we needed to specifically confess to, we do, and it all of a sudden, we wonder why hadn't spoke up earlier.

the problem is, sometimes its too late. and you don't want it to be, but it is. does that make it all worth nothing? hell no. but that doesn't mean you can stop dealing with it. see, we are all in process in every area of our lives. we are either going forward or back. so if we don't deal with it on a daily basis. . . well thats not really the best direction to head. we must continue to heal, continue to work out salvation in fear and trembling, knowing that we can't make it on our own.(thanks bono)

see thats what it means to be truly set free from sin. upon first glance, it doesn't make much sense. we see the bible as a book of rules. we miss the freedom that is given to us. see, i don't have to live in fear that any dark secrets will overtake me. i don't have to be trapped by what i struggle with. Christ's death frees me, frees us from that.

the opposite of fear is faith. and when we place that faith in that which cannot be destroyed we are given freedom. we are given grace. we are given power. power over that which seeks to steal, kill and destroy.

freedom to live in the abundant grace that is God's love.

at first glance, i don't like the secret monsters. on a second glance, i don't like what those secrets will do to me.

we all need that rest and freedom. i encourage you to find it today. He's waiting to freely give it to you.

be good to each other. look at Christ. cheers



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