
tired of whatever

we have got to get off of our rear ends. collectively. i'm so tired of seeing the church be characterized by issues that i really don't think Jesus cares about. i don't think Jesus would be on television stations screaming about homosexuality, the Da Vinci Code, and moral values. i truly believe He would be actively trying to shape and change the world around Him.

i'm so tired of people who believe that life exists within the confines of their comfort. i'm tired of complacency. i'm tired of people who have never gotten their hands dirty. i'm tired of christianity being relegated to what Jesus did for me. what about what He has commanded us to do for those around us? when does that come into the picture?

one of the most amazing times of my life was travelling down to New Orleans. was trying my damndest to be Christ those in need. those situations bring out the best in us. because we can't focus on ourselves. that's where i fell in love with God again. and thats where i began to fall in love with mckinna. working together, getting our hands dirty together.

i'm tired of a lack of passion. i've seen this passion. it exists in areas that we don't like to look. it exists in the mess of life. in the crap of life. it exists in areas where there are unwed mothers, crack addicts and alcoholics. it exists when they see a Jesus who loves them and they don't have to do a thing more to earn His love. NOTHING MORE. and then they cling to Jesus like a 5 year-old wraps his body around his dad's leg, sitting on his foot. the boy doesn't care where his dad is going, He just wants to be with him. thats passion.

passion exists where people who have only been clean for 2 weeks are celebrated, because it is only because of a God-Who-is-Love has brought them there. and they didn't come to church clean. they didn't wait to get clean to seek God. they came broken. they came with their baggage. and this GOD, this GOD that we think we need to defend, takes them in, brushes them off, picks them up, and hugs them. embraces them.

here's an idea. instead of defending God, which seems to be the trend these days, lets actively proclaim who He is by our lives. and this is not by being a dispenser of information. lets be authentic. lets be genuine. lets have the courage to admit our brokeness, our shitty attitudes, our rebellious hearts. because thats what the world needs to see. they need to see our hearts. not a polished, spruced up, i have it all together, fancy production image. but a real one.

we've got clean up the inside of the cup first. the outside will then take care of itself.

our attitudes, including mine, can be so toxic.

because i'm so tired of the people of God being less than what we are called to be. i think thats why i don't like christian television. because they present an unreal image of life. and we are called to be real.
i truly believe that God cares about the heart, first and foremost. because the rest takes care of itself when the heart is in tune with the rhythm of God.

God did not call us to keep to ourselves in our comfortable multi-million dollar church. i hate them. i hate those buildings. i do. i don't think its a wise use of resources when there are bigger issues in the communities around them than whether or not we have the newest gobo lights or projectors or sound boards or light boards or new carpet or whatever it is that we "need." i just don't care about them. i care about the hearts of the people who have felt rejected by the church, rejected by God because we who claim to have the corner on the truth turned them away. does suburbia need Jesus? absolutely. but not the Jesus we have presented. not the cleaned up one. not the Mtv, Fox News, TBN one. they need one who rescued the prostitute, the tax collector, and rebuked the pharisees.

God, forgive us.

i'm done. we now return to our regularly scheduled program. but i'm tired of that program.
anyone else?

LIVE. this isn't a dress rehearsal. we don't get a second chance. do what you love and are passionate about.

be good to each other. look at Christ. peace.

"Young man control in your hand, slam your fist on the table and make your demand. Take a stand, fan a fire for the flame of the youth, got the freedom to choose you better make the right move. Young man, the power's in your hand slam your fist on the table and make your demand you better make the right move."
- matisyahu, youth


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