
a dreary monday

its raining something dreary in indianapolis today.
almost depressing. its the perfect day for a nap.

so here are some quick thoughts and then i'm leaving to go be with eileen for the day.

1. Jamie Foxx wins an oscar. - great stuff. so happy for him. he deserved it. he could have won it from the small clip they showed when they were announcing the nominees.

2. scorcese was denied. again.

3. brian "head" welch left the band Korn as he has become a Christian, and is leaving to go to Isreal for a while. for those who don't know, korn toured with POD about 3 years ago throughout europe, and i gotta believe that some seeds were planted. we need to lift up this new brother in prayer.

4. speaking in front of teenagers is an interesting experience. i mean, i'm only 23, so i'm not that far off, but so many of them were talking. i spoke at our youth group on saturday night, and it was frustrating. i wanted to call them out by name and tell 'em to shut the hell up. just a lack of respect. but i know i did it too. so . . .i'm just gonna work on my own plank right now.

5. i'm thinking about buying a car. 2001 jetta is the car of choice, but we'll see how it works out. just need to make sure everything else is in place. i hate school loans.

i'll write more tomorrow. hope its nicer in your neck of the woods than here.

be good to others. look at Christ. peace.


down south

this weekend my family and i travelled to birmingham, alabama. it was definitely an experience. my sister goes to school at samford university and its a bubble. i say this not in critical manner (although, it could be said in that manner) , but rather from an observatory stance.

i graduated from taylor university in fort wayne. definitely conservative. definitely in a bubble. i know the effects of living a bubble. as much as our administration railed against this bubble, it was the case. very rarely, if ever, were we presented to viewpoints different than those that were considered the norm.

i remember once that it happened. my freshman year. a guy who came for our spiritual renewal week made a comment about divorce, and the campus was in an uproar. he said that in a divorce that there needed to be more concern shown for kids. that we couldn't forget how the children were affected by a divorce. everyone took it as his ringing endorsement of divorce. don't hold me to this. i slept through most of spiritual renewal week, so maybe i missed something.

back to my point.

these students at samford are not presented with different viewpoints, different perspectives, different lifestyles, UNLESS they seek them out. the same was true at Taylor. the biggest concern was what happened the night before to mike and jill and why they weren't together anymore and if the circle of friends would continue despite this monumental occurance.

as i am now out in the world, out from the conservative bubble that i was educated in, i am learning how much the world is different than where i had been for the past 4 years.

those who have ventured out from this bubble, worked with inner city kids every summer, travelled abroad, work in decidedly non-christian environments, i applaud you. way to go. engaging our culture is a paramount step in sharing the love of Christ to a world that needs it so badly.

i say all this, knowing that i could be, and am probably wrong. these are just my thoughts.
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