
live the life

"I've been reading a lot about love lately. Unfortunately it has not been out of sheer enjoyment. Nonetheless, i'm still learning more and more what it means to live the good life. p.s. its hard, and its kind of suppose to be." - john murnane, philosopher

i'm inspired by this guy, and what he says.

it is hard. it will be hard. and that means that its worth it. because the good things in life often are. worth it.

it takes effort, there is struggle and the payoff may not always be what you thought it would be. but good is good.

the good life is not something to be bought, sold or won. it comes from a determination to overcome, and a willingness to surrender at the exact same time.

the determination to overcome those things in our lives which we have control over. a willingness to push through, shed the baggage that we carry, and walk tall into the life that we choose. we can sit where we are, never move, and we still have value, worth and dignity. but we won't experience good life good love.

and we must be willing to surrender our own will. because joy doesn't come by realizing our dreams. purpose doesn't come by realizing our dreams. its about the lives of people that we walk towards those dreams with. anyone can achieve a dream with enough determination. but not everyone can see their dreams fulfilled and still hold onto the ones that we love.

and it is surrendering the idea that we can't change other people. we can only change ourselves. and once we surrender that desire, we are free to love as we are called to. we can love each other through the mess and garbage that happens.

loving people is the hardest thing. and that's okay. because its worth it. what does it look like to love the people around us that are walking with us?

and hold on to hope. because that may be just as hard sometimes. it takes courage to hope. it is way easier to be cynical, jaded and angry. cynicism doesn't mean that you've got your head on better then anyone else. it means that you aren't willing to let go. it means that you aren't willing to be the change that you want to see in the world, that you'd rather point out where others aren't changing.

the future is bright, if you want it to be.

may we all hope. may we all love. may we all push for the good life.

grace and peace.


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DTS Promotional Video

my friend Matt made this video. I helped!

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