
life to the fullest

i was reminded by a good friend tonite to live life to the fullest and how important it is to not forget that. and how incredibly important it is to remember that is what God wants for us. its just funny because our idea for life to the fullest can be different than what God's idea of life to the fullest is.

we can't forget to dream. and dream big. what are the deepest desires of our heart? because those are there for a reason. those dreams and passions are where we meet God, where we feel God's pleasure(see Chariots of Fire). what we know to be true deep inside of cannot be ignored. and it won't be ignored.

i'm really getting into some serious 80's music. 99 red balloons, walking on sunshine, hungry like the wolf and chameleon just to name a few songs. its great stuff. i'd really like to cover some of them, redo them; stuff like that.

i've also been challenged at what love is. again. true love. Christ-like love. Jesus didn't tell people to change and then come to him. He said to just come to Him. and then He will help us make those changes. this comes from a program in chicago that is run by the chicago recovery alliance. they run a needle exchange for drug addicts. now, no one is saying that what they are doing is good, but they are a life. and life is precious to God.

i'll be honest. i didn't totally agree with the program at first. but the more i thought about, prayed about it, i saw God working through that program. any positive change is just that: a positive change. redundant statement? yes. important statement? even more so. do i want people to be addicts? uh, no. but do i want them to live in order that they may one day find life to the fullest? hmmm. . . . .yes. .(thank you K for this. i hope i didn't overgeneralize, or oversimplify anything. feel free to correct me if i missed something - you are being Christ to those people)

i also think that it is vitally important to make sure we're not waging war on users, but dealers; but that is a completely different story.

we all have addictions; some just worst than others. some more visible than others. but lets call them all by the same name. addictions. and we want to hide them. for more on what we hide, check out this post.

anyways, i'm going to bed.

oh yeah, i can be computer retarded sometimes, but i finally figured out how to post pictures.

be good to each other. look at Christ. cheers.


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