
salvation of the world

"to believe in God is to believe in the salvation of the world. the paradox of our time is that those who believe in God do not believe in the salvation of the world, and those who believe in the future of the world do not believe in God.

christians believe in "the end of the world," they expect the final catastrophe, the punishment of others.

atheists in their turn . . . refuse to believe in God because Christians believe in Him and take no interest in the world . . .

which is the more culpable ignorance?

. . . I often say to myself that, in our religion, God must feel very much alone: for is there anyone besides God who believes in the salvation of the world? God seeks among us sons and daughters who resemble him enough, who love the world enough so that he could send them into the world to save it."
- Louis Evely, In the Christian Spirit (Image, 1975)

this is not the salvation that means "lets get your butt into heaven and out of hell" but more of a social justice type definition, but its even more than that. coming from a very conservative and almost fundamental background, i find myself gravitating towards the "eternal" salvation aspect . . . when there is so much more to salvation. when the Isrealites said that God was their salvation in getting out Egypt, He was their salvation from living in bondage, and He rescued them from that way of living.

and these words don't even begin to grasp the full meaning of that word . . . salvation.

any thoughts?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wooohoooo!!!!! Love it, Marc. Great quote. Isn't it interesting that it requires even MORE faith to think that God desires for the whole world to be made whole, and not just that, but he expects US to work towards that same end! Amazing, to think that war, famine, poverty, sickness, greed, pollution are issues deeply connected to the heart of God!

9:34 AM  

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